Homemade Bagels

Homemade bagels
Originally uploaded by bugbiteme
So after moaning and groaning about bagels, I decided that if biblical genealogy is true, then, as a direct descendant of Moses (played by Charlton Heston in the movie "The Ten Commandments") I should have innate ability to make my own. As you can see from the picture displayed in this post, my hunch proved to be correct. I was able to feed 7 out of 12 tribes (tribes of: Ander, Hawley, Hull, Raske, Beardsly, Baker, Keller, and of course Levites...the remaining five tribes were no-shows) after doubling the recipe.

I going to do my best to make them on a weekly basis so I can stick it to the man (they really aren't that hard to make if you have a Kitchen-Aid mixer with the hook attachment).

Coming up: "Making my own cream cheese....the kind Abraham used to eat back in the day while herding sheep in the land of Cannan..."


Anonymous said...

oh man! sorry i missed it!


ACK said...

I would like to place my order for the weekly bagels please. So good.
Since I am a member of the tribe, I think it would be your jewish duty to supply me with good bagels.

CM said...

Thanks for sharing with the unchosen ones!