
Originally uploaded by riblet
Last night I made an emergency run to the vet at about 1am.

Around midnight or so Heylove woke up (from her bed next to our bed) and it was a bit cold, so I decided to let her lay on my feet under the covers (one of her favorite sleeping spots btw), but she started acting freaky, like she was scared of something (my stinky feet maybe?). I put her down and she looked super confused and backed herself into a corner. She settled down a couple times, but kept on freaking out. No yelping, no barking or growling, she just looked scared. She wasn't lethargic and she would eat treats, but it freaked me and Niki out, so we called the Pet Emergency Room on El Camino.

Heylove was still acting bizarrely in the car ride to the vet, but as soon as we got there, she was back to her original spaz/face-licking self. I couldn't confirm if she ate anything bad, so all the vet could do was run some blood tests, which came back fine.

Well after 3 am they let us go home and Heylove was OK...and still is as of this morning.



CM said...

Dang your feet must be nasteee

leon said...

I tried using that joke in my post so no one else would.

Minmade said...

You must have been tired at work today.

Les said...

Put some baby powder on your feet, Leon! Hehehe :D

Man that must've been scary, I hope you guys have recuperated.

Anonymous said...


I hope it turns out to be fine. Maybe she just ate a psychedelic bug.
