Back in "The Sac"

I bet you guys didn't even know I was gone.

I had a fantastic time in NYC: Went to a great wedding (dance scene from reception pictured above), saw friends, family, visited parts unknown (The Bronx, Harlem, Brooklyn), saw some celebs, ate quite a bit of pizza and bagels and enjoyed the weather. Expect pics on Niki's flickr soon...I hope!

I got a really good workout carrying I. in his stroller up and down the subway staircases, which was great for working off the excessive carb intake.

When it comes to baked good, New York takes the....umm...cake!


Shannon said...

Great photo! I didn't notice until the second look that niki and ira are hiding in there. So neat!

werenotdeep said...

Cool! I can't wait to visit there some day.