Baby Riblet.
Originally uploaded by riblet
In case you haven't noticed, I've been blogging a little more than usual this week. Well, my boss, who sits right across from me, who can look right at my desk at any given moment, is gone for the week, so I don't have to pretend like I'm working the whole time I'm here.

Also, believe it or not, more than zero comments lets me know I'm not typing into a black hole, thus giving me inspiration to inform you all (whether it's useful information or not, that's up for debate...not really, it is all useless information...who am I kidding?).

I figured I'd complete the week with yet another picture of Heylove. This is old-school Heylove from back in the day.

Next Month she will be three and Ira will be one. Niki and I are trying to think of what to do for the duel birthday party. Chili cook off? I was even playing around with the idea of making tamales, but that's a lot more work than making a big-ass pot of of chili....and a cake!

1 comment:

CM said...

Mmmmm chili....