11 Guys At The Playground

Basketball is my favorite sport. I like the way they dribble up and down the court. Call me a "fair weather fan", but the only time I actually watch a game on TV is when the Sacramento Kings are going to win. Needless to say, I haven't watched basketball in quite a while.

Since the Kings suck, and will remain sucking until further notice, I like to spend my free evenings playing the game. It's fun, but there are always those dudes who show up. I bet I'm one of them. Call me Mr. Excuses.

11 Guys At The Playground - Watch more free videos


Melody Day

How can we be a "world class" city when we have "no class" public transportation?

Faced with a budget shortfall and a surprising ridership dip, Sacramento Regional Transit officials are expected to cut service on 15 bus routes countywide today.

Surprising? Not really. This really strikes a nerve with me, in a big way. It's almost like RT is sabotaging itself.

Next month I plan on flying the family out to NYC. I don't plan on renting a car at all. I plan on riding the subway the entire time. We are staying in Manhattan, going to a wedding in Brooklyn, going to the zoo up in the Bronx (why is it called "the Bronx" and not just "Bronx"), among other places, and I know it will be a breeze.

That's what makes a world class city!

Get a friggin' clue bitches!!! Better (aka useful) RT service will increase ridership, not cutting and crapifying (even more) our current system.


Ok, I'm done now. Go watch the video posted below above. It's good.

Set your alarm clocks!!

via The Daily Green


Weekend Summary

massive quantities of food
gambling on horse races
working on cars
playing rock n' roll
changing diapers

It doesn't really get better than that...well maybe if "getting laid and shooting guns" was added to the equation.


Thinking positive

Got my amp, everything is good. I love it. As soon as I saw it out of the box and put together, I knew that Tim would be jealous. I'm sure he's happy that I'm no longer abusing his bass amp. I'm still borrowing his P-Bass, but that's another story.

So, I look forward to seeing everybody this Sunday evening at Old Ironsides where Baby Grand will be performing songs by the Kinks (as will all other bands playing that evening). This will be the last Baby Grand show until December AND *sniff sniff* our last show with Chris Olsen *sniff stiff*...*holding back the tears* (How did someone who I initially found completely annoying become one of my favorite peep? I will miss you dude.)

Mr. Jed Brewer will be participating that night as a solo acoustic act covering the Kinks.

Come see us both!

I took down my Tony Soprano post because I thought it came across too negative. In the long term, when the movie of my life is being made, I want to hide the fact that I can be a jerk sometimes.