back from hiatus...kinda

I've been one busy guy....and I'm a long way from getting a new computer.

Since my weekends are now filled with chores, I've decided to take last Wednesday off and go hiking with a co worker. We hiked to castle peak. It was pretty intense (1000 ft elevation gain in 1 mile), but not too bad.

Here is the crazy ass picture of Al (co-worker) from the top of the peak:

I have a feeling this will be my last hike for a while. Hopefully by next spring, Leon Jr. will be able to hike with me via one of those baby backpacks. I'd like to hike back up to half-dome, but I'll be happy if the family (and maybe some friends) will go up with me at least half-way to Nevada Falls.

In other news. We finally got new floors in the main rooms that needed new floors. One room to go, but it's not at the top of my priorities at the moment (but I plan on doing it within the year).

Here is me standing on the new bedroom floor:

I haven't really been to any shows in a while, but I'm planning on seeing the Futureheads this Friday. What's up with all these non-promoted local shows? Is everybody just too jaded to even try anymore? I got a text message from Sweats moments before RTL and the 4-eyes started playing at the Distillery Saturday. I was already just chillin' at home so I decided to remain chilly chill. I'm guilty of doing the same thing. Friday...moments before Baby Grand played at the FnG, I sent out a spam text message. No other promotion, but the turn out wasn't too bad and I got totally wasted on Chimay before we went on.

Other than that, just waiting for the hatchling to hatch and all that. Niki's been keeping everybody up-to-date on that front.


ACK said...

yay! He is back!

I will take you guys hiking in Marin. We can do it any time when it is dry. So you don't have to wait until next year.

I am debating if I should go to the Futureheads show or save money for my trip to NY.

Anonymous said...

I'd be down for a hike next time you go. I used to be a hikaholic, but lately I've been super lazy.

werenotdeep said...

I haven't been on a hike in forever. I know I'm working all the time now, but hey, keep me posted, I just might be able to go sometime (if I still live here by then).

That was a fun show, and I was pretty drunk too. I showed my canker sore to the supporting act girl who ran away in disgust while she was trying to talk to me about playing trombone. Silly people, don't you know I'm not really a musician, just a drunk who happens to play sorta okay?