Good news for us
bad new for Zelda's

From information gleaned from the NAG meeting last night, it looks like my beloved Chicago Fire Pizza is wanting to move into a building on the 2400 block of J street. They are an independently run, Chicago style pizza joint serving pizza that is very similar to Zachary's in the bay area. Let's hope the city allows it. The only thing holding it up is the parking situation (lack of off street parking). Personally, I think they will get a lot of foot traffic from the neighborhoods, so it shouldn't be such a big deal, but I guess technically it is.


ACK said...

I am pretty excited about them opening in town as well! I really like Chicago Fire. Parking will always be an issue. I think as long as it is downtown/midtown, people should focus on walking or biking anyway.

werenotdeep said...

I'd like to live in a world where a more traditional Chicago-Style pizza eatery, and a place like Zelda's can both thrive, and we can take our turns enjoying one and the other as our fancies strike us.

Hopefully, Zelda's will see no negative effects due to this.

But I am excited, I have to say.

beckler said...

I think there are enough people who love pizza that they could both do well.

leon said...

Me and Niki were having this discussion.

Basically it boils down to this.

"I'm hungry for pizza"

"Me too..I'll call Zelda's and we'll head over"


"I'm hungry for pizza"

"Me too..should we go to Zelda's or Chicago fire?"

"I'm totally in the mood for Zelda's tonight"

"OK...I'll call Zelda's and we'll head over"

Anonymous said...

When you say "very similar to Zachary's," I hope you don't mean in the "we put a cup of sugar in our sauce" way.
