I'll take a question from the man with the hat wearing Terminator glasses

You thought I was kidding, didn't you!

Sorry I haven't elaborated more on the Gubernators visit to HP Roseville. I've been slammed at work.

Anyhow. All the questions from the audience seemed contrived...actually the whole main audience WAS contrived! None of those people work at HP. I have no idea where they came from. All the HP employees were standing in the back, as you can see in this picture (except my sister and I...hehehehhe...somehow we managed to sit about 10 feet away in the bleachers next to the stage). None of the employees were allowed to ask questions, except for one hand picked employee (the dude with dreadlocks on the stage) but it was quite obvious he was told what to ask. I work with that guy, and I know he could of come up with a better question than "you say you want to reform districting...why now?". In which the governator came back with an instantaneous, canned answer.

K. back to work so I don't wind up staying til 7pm!

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