Things I like to do when I'm bored at work

  • try to find obscure pictures with google
  • write on this blog
  • read a friend's and/or an acquaintance's blog
  • leave sarcastic comments on people's blogs
  • look at negative feedback on eBay and see what was bought that produced such anger
  • chat on IM
  • log on to my home computer remotely and DL mp3s
  • listen to music
  • read articles
  • read email
  • read the 1 star Amazon reviews of books I like
  • shoot some hoops
  • get up and shoot the shit with co-workers
  • do actual work
  • leave early

coming soon.... PUPPY CAM!!!


Maya said...

I am afraid leaving early today might be a bit difficult. While I am bored, I am busy, unfortunately.

Unknown said...

puppy cam!?!

hell yea.