I'm a computer nerd, so what?


I've been really annoyed with movies lately. For some reason, the movies I've been catching up with on DVD that are supposed to be "great" have been letting me down, amounting to nothing more than dull characters, cliche' story lines and television like cinematics. I'll start my tirade today with one I saw recently (warning, I may spoil it for you if you haven't seen it yet, even though the plot is as predictable as any bad TV show...I even found myself saying the next line before the characters in the movie.)

< tirade >
So what's the big deal with the movie "Garden State"?

I finally saw it and for the life of me can't see at all why this movie is supposed to be so great. It was more like an after school special edition of "Scrubs" where Scrubs guy (playing an unconvincing recovering prescription drug addict) goes home, but instead of John Ritter, his dad is now some old dude. He meets some annoying girl who likes The Shins, so they play a lot of Shins songs in the movie during the montage sequences. For some reason he falls in love with her, but can't stand his small NJ town and all his annoying, dead end friends and lame dad, since he's now some actor in LA. He decides to go home and leave his annoying girlfriend behind, but at the last minute, right when you think he's gone and left her on a flight home, he appears in the airport all "I love you...whah whah..gimme a big smooch!" and it ends.


< /tirade >

1 comment:

Alice said...

i know i'm going to piss off maya by saying this because she thinks i'm a movie snob but i totally agree with you. saw it in nyc with matt in september and both of us walked away feeling pretty bored and not at all impressed with the film. now some people may remind me that i said i liked it back after it was released and everyone was raving about the film. well, i didn't hate it that's for sure. but, i didn't love it either. the graduate of our generation my ass.