Merry Holidays!!!

It is actually the day after Christmas. I had a good one. My mom, sis, bro in law, fath in law, mom in law, sis in law and two nieces came by for brunch and presents. After that we went to Niki's cousin for tamales. Then we came home and Dan and Heather came by for some puppy playtime, grapa and holiday light decoration viewing.

Today I'm just lazin' around watching bad sci-fi movies on the sci-fi channel staring Luke Perry and eating chocolate.


"I Love Commas"

This is one of my posts where a lash out with a personal attack at someone (and hope it all makes sense). It has "junior highness" immaturity written all over it, and to think, I'm almost a 30 year old accomplished gentleman of my own accord. Feel free to cringe at me possibly making an ass of myself, and please take a hint if it is about you.

Just to let everybody out there know, I'm horrible with names (as well as remembering a lot of other things). If I've met you once or twice (or even thrice) in my lifetime and you've never really made that much of an impression on me, and I run into you out in public somewhere at a later date, please do not take offence if I might not remember your name right away. Keep in mind, I will take offence, however, if you do not offer me a needed refresher course, cuz if you don't, I WILL eventually remember your name at a later date and associate it with that jerk who made me feel like a moron because she/he wouldn't tell me and made me feel bad about it.

But at least next time I see you, I'll remember, and I can call you by your name... which will be "that jerk so-and-so".

-Whatshisname Levy


National "hardly Work at All" Month

After tying to jump back into the swing of things at work after getting back from my trip, my body was thrown a bit out of whack. I managed to miss work half of last week due to a cold (that I'm still fighting off). Next week is "Forced Time Off" for the holidays. I managed to give only about 50% this weekend as well (only made it to "Katy's graduation party" part 1 and skipped part 2, played a Munia show at toneVendor with Knock Knock, but skipped out on the after party at smillers pad.

Tonight is the annual 4-eyes (iiii) Festivis concert at the Loft. For some reason those dudes are the only ones allowed to play shows there. Should be good!

Too bad I can't bring heylove with me (She needs to get all her shots before she can go out in public).

Oh yeah...the dog.
Cute as a sanrio character, sweet as pie, stinky like a dog fart. I was paranoid all weekend that she was going to take a dump in the middle of the night, so every time I heard her scuffle, I'd get up and take her out of her crate to go "potty". Today is her first day at home alone for the long term.

She's so small that she makes my midget cat "Mouse" look like a Bengal tiger.



So I did miss being home while abroad, but this great county of ours is getting more and more absurd by the moment, and everyone else in the world seems to know it except us.

Yesterday I read a story about a 10 year old getting arrested (and handcuffed) for bringing scissors to school due to a "zero tolerance" policy. See, scissors could be a potential weapon, as are pens and pencils. I'm sure you could knock someone out cold with those heavy text books.

And then this morning NPR ran a story where the narrator was trying to figure out why American school kids are dumber than the rest of the world. Following that, another story about a group trying to push creationism in public schools rather than evolution.



back after a much needed get-away

Help, I'm being chased by a goose in east London~!

Had fun of course (how could I not?). This time London was like taking a trip to the city. Ran into old friends, went to familiar places.

Instead of English style breakfasts and brown sauce, I was all about pastys and real-ale (hand-pulled casque ale).

Still...it's good to be home where things only cost less than half as much as they do over there, it's warm enough to go outside with only a t-shirt (it is...trust me!), and people say my last name "leh vee" or "lee vee" and not "llllayeee vayeeee".


don't quit your day job to become a motivational speaker

dude with german accent and being completely serious while sitting at desk, assembling hard drives and network cards:

"instead of sitting around waiting, you could do this for me"


"naw... you look like you got it under control [dickhead]"


10 + years later and still not cured of "senioritis"

it's just one of those days where i'm bored as hell here in the cubicle farm. nothing i'm doing here can't be done from home. maybe i can sneak out of here early.

i swear winter fever is just as bad as spring fever.

1 more day and i'm leaving the country!


oh well. they were both good!

5.50 for a glass of beer?!?!? 7 dollars for a potato pancake?

btw. bon lair replaced hoegaarden with chimmay for some reason. i like chimmay and all, but besides both originating from Belgium, they are two completely separate entities. chimmay is a darker beer, with more of a hoppy taste and will get you pretty buzzed on one glass (i had 3 last night). hoegaarden is light and lemony, and requires two glasses to get an equivalent chimmay buzz.

i found out from heckabecky that the czech place next door to bon lair makes potato pancakes and will deliver your order to the bar. pretty damn cool. i'm always looking for good, local jew food. i thought the pancakes i ate were probably the best i've had, but still, i wound up paying around 7 dollars and the place only gives you two (about the diameter of a coffee mug...like the one on my desk that i'm looking at right now).

np: MF Doom - "Mm...Food?"