smoove characta

this is my uncle willie. he's the best.


back in WWII the army shipped him off to Germany. as soon as his platoon arrived for battle, they were captured by the Germans. being scared at what they'd do to him if they found out he was a jew, he decided to make an escape while being marched to prison camp and succeeded. willie wound up hiding in various places around Europe for months until the US Army finally found him and sent him right back to fight. the next time his platoon went out for battle, he was shot in the leg and got to go home.

afterwards he lived in Cuba for a while, moved back to the US and married my aunt sandy (who is pretty close to being the best too) and started an electronics repair shop in NYC, which eventually became a bunch off electronic repair shops in the NYC and Long Island areas. now he's a retired 80 year old who travels the globe, owns a dope apartment on the upper west side in manhattan and a house right on the beach in long island. if you ask him how he started earning his fortune, he'll tell you he got his start "selling bananas".

he's the only old dude i know who knows how to live life, values his family greatly, and makes friends wherever he goes.

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