i'm never getting involved again


all i want to do is play my guitar


the most boring play you'll ever see

early planning stages...

dan: "hey i got us two show, sunday in SF and monday in SAC. only thing is can't play in sac"

me: "no prob, i'll ask my favorite band in SAC to fill in for them"

later on that day...

me: "hey dude. want to play a show with us and some big name touring indie-pop bands?"

dude from favorite band in SAC: "sure man"

me: "rad!"

last friday...

me: "i hope all this fussing with flyers etc.. payes off. i hope our drummer isn't making things up about having a PA"

(phone rings)

singer in my band: "i'm sick and can't play sunday and probably monday"

me: "deeyyaam dude. hope you get well. i'll take care of things"


me: (calls up singer in my band): "dude. how are you feeling?...like crap? sorry to hear that. i'll see what i can do about tommorow"

(calls up drummer)

me: "hey man.. we're not playing. can we still use that PA you were telling us about since we set up the show?"

drummer: "sure...so and so has it and he hasn't returned my calls, but i'll let you know when he does"

me: "great"

monday...no word about the PA...time for plan B C and D...

me:(calls up dude with PA): "hey dude. you think i can borrow your PA for this show i'm trying to pull together tonight. if you want, you can play the show too since my band can't play now" (feels shady for using double motives)

dude:"well i have the PA but not the speakers..and my other band has practice tonight...why don't you call other dude who has a band and a PA?"

me: "will do!"

me:(calls other dude):"hey other dude. you think i can borrow your PA for this show i'm trying to pull together tonight. if you want, you can play the show too since my band can't play now" (feels shady for using double motives)

other dude: "I made some calls, and unfortunately the this other band that borrows all our stuff is practicing tonight, so we don't have a PA or a bass amp. Sucks, 'cos I'd love to play that show. Did you ask dude?"

me:"oh well.. yeah i asked"

me:(calls another dude in a band with no PA, just to fill in for us cuz he rox):"hey want to take out place for that show tonight?"

another dude:"hell yeah!"

me:"super tight!"

(phone rings)


dan:"it's me dan"


dan:"hey did you find out about our drummer's PA"

me:"i haven't heard from him yet..i'm kinda worried"

dan: "me too..i'll call so-and-so from that one band and see if we can borrow their PA"

me: "word"

dan: "L8T3r d00d"

(phone rings..it's dan again)

me: "what's the dealio yo?"

dan: "good news. so-and-so says we can use their PA...bad news...those touring bands cancelled?"

me: "crap... let me see what the other two bands say"

(later on)

me: "i contacted one of the bands and he still wants do do the show, but i haven't heard from the other band"

dan: "hmm"

me: "yeah..i don' know man.. i think we should just call it off...i've suffered enough today"

dan: "hmm... yeah maybe"

me: "k.. let's just call it off"

dan: "ok"

cell phone rings while im on the way home from work...

the dude who wants to play the show still: "aww man..you cancelled the show!"

me: "yeah hold on"...cuts someone off ...gives them the bird "yeah... i'm sorry man.. did you have your heart set on it?"

tdwwtptss: "yeah.. so does the other band"

me: "crap...once again.. sorry for that, i just thought i'd call it off. too much of a hassle for me"

tdwwtptss: "yeah.. well i'm gonna try and see if we can still play"

me: "go for it..call me if it's still on.. i pass you the baton!"


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