oh man. wait til i tell you about my day..this is amazing

today i woke up from falling asleep while reading the preface to "lord of the rings". i hear it is an exciting book. better than the movie even. then i took a shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed, shaved and went outside to my car. i then took out my car keys and unlock the door. then i opened the door. then i placed the key in the ignition and turned it in a clockwise direction. the engine started and i drove three blocks to a bagel place and got a bagel with creamy cheese made by a young lad by the name of adrian. i then repeated the actions with my keys that i told you about earlier on. i then drove a good twenty miles to work. not much to say about that. then i got out of my car. showed my badge to a security officer and went inside. on the way in i ran into my friend fay and said "hi fay, how was your new years eve" she said "good". then we walked to our cubicles. all day long i read some boring technical paper because i have to know about the subject being written about for a future project i may or may not have to work on. i then ate lunch, came back to my desk, then went outside to play baskettball. i lost. then i came back to my desk and began to write in my web journal, and then i started rambling on about pointless events that happened throughout the day. then i...um... couldn't think of what to write next, so i started writing about not being able to think about what to write about..help..i'm stuck.

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