all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
rebel rebel


bak en biznass

ok. so i'm back. i tried everything, but for some reason i can't view blogs with M$ IE. i cleaned out the temporary internet folders, hit refresh a million times, etc.. but nothing worked. my solution. use netscape or mozilla from now on. pretty ghetto arsed browsers for this type of application, but they do the job.



for some reason i can't see updates on my blog, or anyone else's blog on this server.
until this changes, take a look at this.


friday five

1. this weeks strong bad email

2. sonic blue

3. odessy & oracle

4. the chronic

5. kirk larsen


i "googled" you

recently i read "pattern recognition" by one of my all time favorite authors, william gibson (see the gibson blog link below). when he is indroducing some of the characters in the book, he talks about "googling" them. for instance, i met this young lady by the name of carly fiorina the other day at the local pub. the next day i googled her name and found she is the CEO of a large tech-company. i personally love google, especially for the image search (used to decorate this lovely web journal of mine most of the time).

well today i pay tribute to a hanfull of my friends by googling them:

amy p

nicole o.

ben s.

t c

josh p

matt h.

awww!!! how precious is that?

some people came up null. sorry folks!


the things that make people tick

sometimes i wonder what certain people's lives would amount to if there was no more IKEA left to be bought, no more weed to smoke, and if their band broke up.

would there be any reason to even get up in the morning at all?


a little too close for comfort

Aquarius Horoscope
Fri Jan. 10, 2003 by Astrocenter.com

Excesses in food and drink yesterday at the shell gas staion/indian buffet may force you to cancel a social engagement to watch America's Funniest Home Videos today, dear Aquarius. You probably aren't feeling up to it. This might be a bit irritating, and somewhat embarrassing as well. However, you just might have needed the rest even if you hadn't eaten too much. Make the most of your evening alone. Soak in a tub, even though it's a bit small for you and go to bed early. In the morning, you and your cat cleo will be glad you did.




two albums in heavy rotation


despite what SPIN tells you (see the strokes and the white stripes), this last year was lacking in good new albums. maybe i feel that way because i'm getting older and more out of touch with today’s youth, or maybe i just feel like i've heard it all before and have become jaded over the years with new bands.

anyhow, last year i decided that instead of getting the latest and greatest, maybe i should look into some of the bands and albums i overlooked over the years and see if i missed anything.

for christmas i got "the rise and fall of ziggy stardust" by david bowie and i must say "why the hell did i not love this years ago?". jeez! everyone has heard the song "ziggy stardust" which appears on the album, but every song here is rock solid and timeless. why the hell would anyone listen to the strokes after hearing this album. i mean the strokes have a similar style (as far as bowie's upbeat numbers are concerned), but are merely a subset of what bowie did here.

another great band that i over looked in the past (that belle and sebastian, all elephant 6 bands, the aislers set and more owe much credit to) is the kinks. I'd have to say i love "kinks kontroversy" the most out of what i've heard of their pre 70's material but their next three albums were stellar as well.

other honorable mentioned bands that i discovered in 2002:








early pink floyed

television personalities

great albums of 2002 that nobody noticed:

the bees - "sunshine hit me"

the roots - "phrenology"

the mosquitoes - "killing the country"


oh man. wait til i tell you about my day..this is amazing

today i woke up from falling asleep while reading the preface to "lord of the rings". i hear it is an exciting book. better than the movie even. then i took a shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed, shaved and went outside to my car. i then took out my car keys and unlock the door. then i opened the door. then i placed the key in the ignition and turned it in a clockwise direction. the engine started and i drove three blocks to a bagel place and got a bagel with creamy cheese made by a young lad by the name of adrian. i then repeated the actions with my keys that i told you about earlier on. i then drove a good twenty miles to work. not much to say about that. then i got out of my car. showed my badge to a security officer and went inside. on the way in i ran into my friend fay and said "hi fay, how was your new years eve" she said "good". then we walked to our cubicles. all day long i read some boring technical paper because i have to know about the subject being written about for a future project i may or may not have to work on. i then ate lunch, came back to my desk, then went outside to play baskettball. i lost. then i came back to my desk and began to write in my web journal, and then i started rambling on about pointless events that happened throughout the day. then i...um... couldn't think of what to write next, so i started writing about not being able to think about what to write about..help..i'm stuck.


do not adjust your browser

i waisted a whole week and a half of vacation by sitting around and doing nothing.

i fealt like i was on high school summer break all over again, exept it was winter and my parents weren't trying to get me to mow the lawn.

speaking of high school, this year marks a decade of being away from it. i wonder if i should go to the reunion.