Feeling Nostalgic

The music was way better, the food tasted better, people were nicer to each other while meadowlarks fluttered about...or something, right?

(forget the fact that I was stressed out over money all the time, my family was a bit f-ed up, the constant anguish over females caused by hormones, hating school, etc...I just block that stuff out)

Lately though, I've been feeling nostalgia for some of the music I listened to as a kid throughout my teens. That was pretty much all I had (well, at the time, that was all I thought I had). What triggered all of this nostalgia? Well, recently I stumbled upon this amazing torrent which pretty much covers every song I liked during that time period.

After making a "best of" comp of all these songs and feeling more and more nostalgia (sorry, I lost my thesaurus), I decided to finally read one of those 33 1/3 books about one of my favorite albums of all time, which is A Tribe Called Quest's "People's Instinctive Travels And the Paths of Rhythm"....terrible title, but fitting for that time, and a terrible book by the way, well not that bad. I had gotten the book a while ago and it has been gathering dust ever since, but now I felt like it was the right time to read it. I had never read any books from that series before, and I was hoping for some insight on the writing and recording process of the album more than anything else, but the book is more about one guy's trip down memory lane, when he was a teenager, and music was better, food tasted better..etc.. so this book doesn't really cover the technical aspects of the album, it is a book about nostalgia.

The book is more or less a shrine to the album, digging back to when the author was an awkward teenager with a fucked up home-life, and music was all he had..etc... and even digs back to his teenage journal when he wrote about listening to the album for the first time. Talk about a trip down memory lane...did it really come out 18+ years ago?!?!?!

Shheeesh I'm getting old...but thank god (or whoever) that I'm no longer a teenager.



Last night's English Singles/June Brides/Baby Grand show was probably the most fun I've had at a show in a long time.

English singles are the best band in Sac, and definitely my favorite Smiller inception since Nar.

Sacramento got props for being better than Portland by the touring act...

I got to play with the June Brides!



June Brides in July!

OK...if you go to one Baby Grand show this summer...this is the one to go to!

please please please please......


Talk about a top notch show