The Case of the Non-disappearing Armoire
Is the Sacramento Tree Foundation Wasting Money?
Just Take the Damn Armoire Already!!!
The armoire Niki and I sold on craigslist is no where near as nice as the armoire depicted in the picture above, however, it wasn't ugly, just a bit unstable with a couple minor dings, yet still functional. All information was disclosed in the craigslist posting.
Niki handled listing it and dealing with potential customers, so I'm sure she could give a better account than I, but seriously, what is wrong with people?
caller number 1: "I see you are listing the armoire for $50. How about I give you $30 for it...oh and by the way... I don't have a truck, so you need to deliver it to me"
No thanks...NEXT!
caller number 2: "I'll take it. I'll be by Sunday at 1"
1 pm rolls around, dude never comes by...
caller number 2: "Sorry I couldn't make it, I'll come by Monday at 5 to get it"
5 pm comes and goes, but the armoire stays.
5:30 caller emails us via his blackberry
"Sorry. I couldn't find your place. I need to pick up my wife from work but I'll be by at 6:30"
OK. (are you serious?)...
me to Niki: "Where is this guy?"
Niki: "Let me call him"
Niki calls dude
caller number 2: "I've been driving all over RIO LINDA and I can't find your place!"
That's because you are in Rio Linda dumb-ass. Thanks but no thanks. Next!
caller number 3: "Can I come by tonight?"
(caller arrives...with a compact car)
"Ooooh. I'll take it! I'll be by tomorrow with my boyfriend's truck to pick it up"
We never hear from her again.
At least two more people email Niki and ask if we still have the armoire.
"Yes we do! Do you want it?"
no response...
Finally a serious buyer representing the Sacramento Tree Foundation comes to take a look at the armoire. Maybe for their office or something.
"Here is $50 in cash. We'll take it, but we will have to pick it up tomorrow"
...It's been sitting in our house for a week now...
At least we have the money.
They finally came and got it!