Tis' The Season

Ahhh... it's been a nice week off from work. Just relaxing. Enjoying the holiday. Doing a lot of eating (highlight Niki's family's annual homemade Christmas tamales....today's chili I made this afternoon).

Last night I got pretty wasted at the Four Eyes Christmas show... It was cancelled last year due to the demise of the loft, where it had taken place for who knows how long. I think Guphys place captured the vibe just fine. Too bad she's moving out of that place. Stupid dog haters. Sorry no pictures this time around.

One funny thing that happened over the break is that I tweaked my back super bad (ha ha!)...not from lifting free-weights, running, basketball, kick boxing or any of that other crap I've been doing. No, after pulling Ira up to Winn park in his new Radio Flyer wagon, we were headed home. AS we got to our street, I was feeling confident that Ira would think it would be pretty fun if I picked up the pace, so I started running down the street, wagon in tow. He was laughing his little head off, but by the time we got to our house, my back was killing me. For two days I couldn't sit more than a few seconds without being in excruciating pain. I was poppin' the vicodin like I was at the movies eating junior mints, just so I could function. By day three I had enough, so I asked Niki to walk on my back. I laid on the floor, and she proceeded to walk down my spine....*POP!* I stood up and felt great... I was cured! A couple hours later I went for a little 4.5 mile run.


BUSTED!!!that's not morning star bacon!

Holiday show tomorrow night. There is supposed to be a picture of Baby Grand in the Bee today or tomorrow with an article talking about it.

Time to run (literally!)


Good Times Bad Times

Good Times:

An album that began the recording process years ago is done and just about for ready for public consumption.

Another album that began the recording process less years ago is almost done being recorded...I think.

Christmas show on Dec 21st at Old I. All procedes from all bands and the door go to The Sacramento Children's Home on Sutterville Rd

Bad Times:

The joke used to be "hey we should sell a t-shirt that says 'I'm in Baby Grand' since there are so many people in the band...ha ha funny". Now we are the incredible shrinking band. Another one down!


Culinary Genius - Limon Toasted Almonds

I thought up this while laying in bed last night...


  1. Take a handful of almonds and toast them on both sides in a cast iron skillet

  2. Transfer toasted almonds to a small bowl

  3. Toss almonds with some lemon and/or lime juice and some kosher salt (or crushed sea-salt)

  4. With the heat still off, transfer almonds back into skillet to evaporate moisture

  5. Enjoy (while still warm!)