Baby Grand Show reminder (this SAT!)


Seeing the light

I love my sister more and more each day (does that mean I loved her less yesterday?)

So my sister, the pastor, thought this was funny and sent this to me. It is funny (and not too far off). Thank goodness all Christians aren't uptight and know the difference between [blind] faith and religion.

Top 10 reasons why Beer is better than Religion...

10. No one will kill you for not drinking Beer.

9. Beer doesn't tell you how to have sex.

8. Beer has never caused a major war.

7. They don't force Beer on minors who can't think for themselves.

6. When you have a Beer, you don't knock on people's doors trying to give it away.

5. Nobody's ever been burned at the stake, hanged, or tortured over his brand of Beer.

4. You don't have to wait 2000+ years for a second Beer.

3. There are laws saying Beer labels can't lie to you.

2. You can prove you have a Beer.

1. If you've devoted your life to Beer, there are groups to help you stop.



I just got a nice quick glance of someone wiping their behind. It's not my fault they forgot to lock the stall door.



I'm blogging from my new non-windows computer. Free at last!


baby t

Check out this awesome shirt Ira just got in the mail.

Thanks Mark y Lupe!

Too cool for school

damn these are friggin' cool. Too bad 39 Euro == 50 USD

If anyone wants to buy me one for Festivus, feel free to do so!


Listen at your own Leisure

I used to have a roommate (who is still one of my best friends) whose life revolved around television, and still does. If you wanted to hang out on Wednesday evening, his excuse would be (and I'm not kidding) "I can't...'Everybody Loves Raymond' is on that night". Sometimes we'd be chillin' at home and someone would call and he'd answer "90210 is on right now, so this better be fucking important!" (I didn't make that one up either). He was halfway joking and half-way serious when he would say things like that. There was no compromise either. Thank goodness for TiVo. Those days are now over (Yo bro, you can catch up on "Top Model" over the weekend).

Which brings me to NPR. There are tones of great show's I'd like to listen to, but they are never on when I can listen to them, and I can't listen to talk radio at work...my brain just doesnt work that way. I'm glad "This American Life" finally got a clue and is now releasing a (free) podcast of all the new episodes every week. Since they've accepted that format, I've listened to more episodes in the last month while walking the dog and driving to work than I had over the past year! I think if shows like "Fresh Air" (which are available in streaming Real Audio format...I know..I know) would just bite the bullet and podcast, they'd get more listenership.

The reality is that getting all my favorite NPR shows to podcast is like pulling teeth, since the reality is that local NPR stations PAY for these shows, which gets listeners to support public radio.

I can still whine though, right? What else are blogs for?


Bandmates that rule

So last week, bandmate Cory made me two Long Blondes CDs. The new album and a b-sides/singles comp. Awesome!

Oh yeah.. and I'm back at work now.



So right now Ira is listening to "My Philosophy" by BDP...you know... the oldies? To put it in perspective, that's like my dad listening to the Beatles when I was just a we li'l bairnie. Crazy huh? Pac-man..that's like howdy doody....speaking of doody. I got to go for now. late.