SPIRAL STATES - great frikkin band
BABY GRAND - even better band

Binge and purge

My iPod is an old 3rd gen model that supposedly only holds 15 GB of songs, which seems like a decent amount of holding capacity, but compared to today’s 60 GB model, it's a small amount. Even though I'm suffering from a case of GB envy, I feel like I have way too much storage and seriously contemplate buying a nano when my dude breaks down (which will hopefully still be for some time if I continue to baby my iPod as I have).

15GB = roughly 3,400 songs, and between illegal downloads and my towers of music (in physical form), I'll never run out of things to feed the iPod, yet the other week I just stopped listening to the beast all together. Why? Well, there is just too much shit on it, and by shit, I mean music I like, but really don't need to have at my finger tips at a moments notice (i.e. the entire Belle and Sebastian, Beatles, Kinks, Rolling Stones, Smiths, catalogs, butt loads of indie-pop and old school jams, local band albums).

I like the idea of having a large repository of music at home, and just a couple albums with me at any given time so I can wrap my head around them and get to know my music a little better...like when I was a kid riding the bus or my bike and listening to my walkman. I remember a time when I could recite every word to every song in my music collection. I just got lazy over time with my iPod and started hitting shuffle, which can be nice at times, but I found myself skipping more and more songs, and I realized I hadn't put any new tunes on it in a long time. Anyhow, I spent all last night going through most of my songs, and was able to eliminate half of what was on my iPod. I'm sure I could eliminate more, but just like trying to sell CDs, it's hard to figure out what can be parted with (even though it's only temporary). It took a long time, but I feel better about it.

Anyhow, here are three albums I'm listening to at the moment:

Pipas - Sorry Love

Pipas are my peeps and I love everything they do. The only thing lacking about this album is that it's too short, and Mark doesn't have any of his songs on it (dude...wassup with that?)

J Dilla - The Shining

Even though the opening track is a weak, mainly because of the pointless guest appearance by Busta Rhymes (I remember when I could respect that guy), the rest is solid. J Dilla was one of the best hip-hop producers around. It's the first album made since his death. He and Tupac need to collaborate sometime

Junior Boys - So This is Goodbye

I've only heard a few tracks from it so far, but what I've listened to so far is pretty dope. This album is a lot catchier than tthe last one, yet it still keeps true to their sparse electronic sexy pop songs.


"What in the heck are you talking about Leon...erm...Willis?"

So a co-worker of mine who has to be around the same age as me, has never heard of "Different Strokes". WTF?!?!?! I don't know anyone between the age of 28-33 who can't give me a decent rendition of the theme song right off the top of their head. So what gives?


Old School Levy

Anyone going to this?

I am!!!

I can't say I'm not skeptical about this show. 99.99% of every hip-hop show I've ever been to in my entire life has never started on time and has rarely ever lived up to expectations, but hopefully there will be an exception here (and I'd be bummed if I missed out).

(BTW: best live rap show ever seen: Disposable heroes of Hiphopracy at the Cattle Club circa 1991..and I was never that big of a fan of their recordings)


One of the pictures of my riddle was messed up, and rather than fix it, I just left it up because (A) I'm lazy and (B) Felt it was a bit uninspired anyway.



Dude? Where is RT?

lifted once again from Chris: What public transportation have you been on?

Got at b3co.com!

New found internet radio station

I used to love globalpopconspiracy.com, but it's been a while since I've heard anything new and good on it. So while searching around through shoutcast for something new, I found hipster.org radio. It's pretty good (yet mellow) so far. Let's seee if they can keep up the momentum.

Baby Stuff

Yet another brilliant business idea I missed out on.

These look cool!

Explanation/Slight Rant

Sorry for the light posting folks. I should explain. A few weeks ago at my work, we went through a move here in the office. The move included taking a panel off of everyone's cubicle, thus lessening privacy even more. I was moved closer to the window, which in the corporate world is usually a good sign, right? Well in my case, I am now in eyeshot of my boss at all times, which has definitely curbed my posting (and fucking around on the internet), not that my blog is so important that you even noticed. Well today the bossman seems to be out, so that's good.

Instead of giving me a raise and a vacation for all the hard work I've been doing, my boss gave me some gift certificates to starbucks. I'll take what I can get. I usually order a "small coffee". Anyhow, what the fuck is up with drive-thrus at starbucks? You've got to be kidding me. And what's up with this guys face (pictured up top)


stupid ass survey courtesy of Chris O.

I think it's too short to be accurate.

You're the Rock Star!
You're the Rock Star!
Take What sort of Hipster are you? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

Fuck college, fuck a "real" job! Music is your life! You're a hometown hero! You're in at least two local bands and are thinking of forming a third. You sleep on your friend's couch, eat your friend's food, and borrow your friend's car. You frequent the dark city bars and hang with the other rockers and groupies. You wear dirty jeans, well-worn t-shirts, and your hair is a mess. You're sinister and mysterious and look as if you don't give a shit. You worship the Rolling Stones, MC5, and your older brother's band. You're gonna make it big one of these days, you can just feel it.


Love the beach,
Love the food,
Hate the traffic


I'll meet you in LA

Yo. No posting this week. Busy and I'll soon be out of the office for FTO (corporate term for vacation).

I tried finding a youtube video for "west coast love affair", but no cigar!