Binge and purge

My iPod is an old 3rd gen model that supposedly only holds 15 GB of songs, which seems like a decent amount of holding capacity, but compared to today’s 60 GB model, it's a small amount. Even though I'm suffering from a case of GB envy, I feel like I have way too much storage and seriously contemplate buying a nano when my dude breaks down (which will hopefully still be for some time if I continue to baby my iPod as I have).
15GB = roughly 3,400 songs, and between illegal downloads and my towers of music (in physical form), I'll never run out of things to feed the iPod, yet the other week I just stopped listening to the beast all together. Why? Well, there is just too much shit on it, and by shit, I mean music I like, but really don't need to have at my finger tips at a moments notice (i.e. the entire Belle and Sebastian, Beatles, Kinks, Rolling Stones, Smiths, catalogs, butt loads of indie-pop and old school jams, local band albums).
I like the idea of having a large repository of music at home, and just a couple albums with me at any given time so I can wrap my head around them and get to know my music a little when I was a kid riding the bus or my bike and listening to my walkman. I remember a time when I could recite every word to every song in my music collection. I just got lazy over time with my iPod and started hitting shuffle, which can be nice at times, but I found myself skipping more and more songs, and I realized I hadn't put any new tunes on it in a long time. Anyhow, I spent all last night going through most of my songs, and was able to eliminate half of what was on my iPod. I'm sure I could eliminate more, but just like trying to sell CDs, it's hard to figure out what can be parted with (even though it's only temporary). It took a long time, but I feel better about it.
Anyhow, here are three albums I'm listening to at the moment:
Pipas - Sorry Love
Pipas are my peeps and I love everything they do. The only thing lacking about this album is that it's too short, and Mark doesn't have any of his songs on it (dude...wassup with that?)
J Dilla - The Shining
Even though the opening track is a weak, mainly because of the pointless guest appearance by Busta Rhymes (I remember when I could respect that guy), the rest is solid. J Dilla was one of the best hip-hop producers around. It's the first album made since his death. He and Tupac need to collaborate sometime
Junior Boys - So This is Goodbye
I've only heard a few tracks from it so far, but what I've listened to so far is pretty dope. This album is a lot catchier than tthe last one, yet it still keeps true to their sparse electronic sexy pop songs.