All filler..no content

Sorry, my brain is in another place right now. If I try to write anything right now about my day, it'll come out like:

"The current implementation of today's episode of the Colbert Report enabled laughter, while episode 3 of the Chapelle Show lost episodes lacks the features required for humor, thus Dave Chapelle in his current state will be deleted from my TiVo."

So instead, I'll just post more youtubes I like:

EDAN LIVE!!! (friggin amazing)




The Frenchmen - "Like The Weather"

The Frenchmen - "Flake For You"

The Frenchmen - "Chemistry Lessons"

Beer for dogs!!!!

Why didn't I think of this!?!?!?


trying to make up for lameness

I really am too busy to post, but not too busy to find crazy psychedelic videos on youtube.com.

Speech number 1

Whoo I just did my first speech for toastmasters today!


Snap Crackle Pop

That's the sound of my new knee injury, spoiling my chance to conquer Mt. Shasta this summer. Oh well, I have more important issues to deal with right now (won't bore you with the details).

Baby Grand is playing a 5 dollar show at Old I this Saturday. I guess the bar is trying to do "cheaper shows" now to get better draws. What a fuckin' concept! I, myself, sometimes boycott shows Old I, even when I like the bands. 8-10 dollars to see all local acts, and you know the bands don't get paid jack shit and have to deal with a pain in the ass sound guy. And it's not even that enjoyable of a place to go to see bands play. Hope to see you there!

We are playing with bands I've never heard of, except Ghetto Moments, which features members of "Drop Acid".


I want to tell you a story...of a little man...if I can...

Syd Barret died last Friday of either diabetes or cancer. I got two different stories here.
He leaves behind his little pet dog, and his little pet mouse.


Sheffield ROCKS!!!

I just got the new Long Blonds single. I found this rad place online that sells the single as a package of two 7"s and CD, all of which have different b sides from one another (the CD has a video too). That's like 4 new Long Blond songs... for 8 bucks!

It's good stuff!



So this week was pretty rad until I got back from Mt. Shasta. I love that place. Once I got back into Sacramento, the phone started ringing off the hook with my bosses checking up on me to make sure I'm doing the billion assignments they've so graciously given me. I need to go back to the mountains...and SOON!

Check out the front page of the Bee's Metro section. The main story is on the new Bicycle Kitchen, which sounds like a pretty rad place. I feel like I'm somewhat of bicycle enthusiast, even though I haven't been on my bike more than a handful of times since I became a commuter. I guess that makes me a poser...sad. Anyhow, the cover picture features everybody's pal Scott Beardsly! I'm glad to see he's keeping it real while I'm polluting the air.

And not to bombard you with Baby Grand shows, but there's going to be one every weekend for the next two weeks. Here is the information of tonight's show from the desk of Tim White:

Friday night: Baby Grand will be playing at Luna's (16th at P? Q?) with Erik Hansen (from the Cassidys) and Freeport. It should be a good time. That place sounds great and is always fun. And as large as the band is getting these days and with how small the room is we may need to put the audience on stage and we'll play in the room!! It's cheap and great! Five bucks, 9:00pm.


OK. Have a great weekend!