

You preferred Kerry's statements 89% of the time
You preferred Bush's statements 11% of the time

Voting purely on the issues you should vote Kerry

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hey...look at me...i'm a computa

this past friday i finally got DSL. i've never had broadband, so i never really worried about someone hijacking my computer. i didn't realize the beast i would unleash after connecting to one of the internets. luckily my computer has a pretty conscientious owner, so i made sure all the security updates were installed, trashed IE and installed firefox, which does a pretty fantastic job of blocking malicious websites and pop-up windows automatically, plus viruses and worms that rely on IE exploits...hey bitches, you can't touch this.

one interesting thing i found out too is that SBC yahoo installs adware. found and zapped that bad boy as well. luckily, norton found that (for some reason adaware didn't).

i've taken other precautions as well that i won't go into detail about. there is that old saying "security by obscurity".

i loved blasting globalpopconspiracy all weekend (which was the soundtrack to my beer).

i'm hoping i'll be less inclined to screw around online while at work now that i have this luxury at home. let's see. i'm already breaking the law at this moment by writing this post.

heather s., niki and i made beer this friday. stay tuned for a beer making blog to read all about it!


can you hear me now???

actually EVERYBODY CAN HEAR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so here at work, we software developers work side-by-side with project managers. the software developers are a quiet bunch, keeping our heads down and writing code or messing around online, while project managers make a lot of phone calls to places all over the world in order to get stuff done (TCB, if you will). A lot of these managers talk in a way that everyone in a 3 cubicle radius can hear every word said. they are essentially the rumor mill source (i get to hear about who's quitting or getting canned before anyone else does).

this morning i could hear the boisterous, harley ridin' (except when it's raining outside) project manager who sits over the wall from me talking to the giggly, british project manager who sits across the aisle from me, but they weren't shouting over the cubicle walls (like most project managers do), they were talking on the phone to each other!

actual conversation:
harley dude - "are you going to have doughnuts at the meeting?!?!?! otherwise i'm not gonna show up!!!"
british lady - *giggle giggle giggle* "ha ha...no!"
harley dude - "are you going to have beer then!?!?"
british lady - *giggle giggle giggle* "ha ha...no!"
harley dude - "what time?"
british lady - "3 o'clock"
(...everything gets pretty boring after that)

me and alex (who sits in the cube next to me) had a blast talking mad trash about them (on AIM)

i'm gonna email by boss (who sits 3 cubes away from me) to see if i can get this friday off.


i used to laugh at people who wear face-masks while walking outdoors

the past two mornings my car has been covered with a lite film of ash:

Detailed Forecast
Sacramento Area

Friday: A mix of smoke and sun. High near 82.
Tonight: Clear with some smoke. Low near 54.
Saturday: Mostly sunny with increasing clouds late in the day. High near 76.
(via kcra ch3)


You are HP-UX. You're still strong despite the passage of time.  Though few understand you, those who do love you deeply and appreciate you.
Which OS are You?

i only ride in limos

here is some video i took at a show this past friday:



sorry.. felt like being annoying today