man this template sucks!

might just go back to the old one, being too lazy to create a new one and all.

saw hero last night. frikkin brilliant. i didn't even mind going to the movies by myself to see it.

came home and watched an episode of "quantum leap". it used to be my favorite show as a 14-15 year old. actually, it's a pretty terrible show, but i still get hooked whenever i flip through channels and it's on.


all together now

got the bachelor pad again this week while my jet-setting wife is going to free franz ferdinand concerts and cubs games in chicago. i hope she brings me back a slice of chicago deep-dish.


template changes are in progress

np: "body request" - har mar superstar



munia is a band... i think.

and even though munia's bassist is sick and can't practice tonight, and the decent drawing band flaked out on us, munia will be playing friday at cafe roma in davis with dutchess of saigon...

after seeing bands playing songs at cafe roma, go over to some house in davis and watch bands who focus or performance art, who's fans will talk about how awesome the show is afterwards cuz someone got their teeth knocked out, or a police riot broke out, or the headlining band pulled out guns and killed all the other bands, making it the most awesome show of all (well awesome to late 20/early 30 year olds trying to hold on to their cutting edge glory days) time.


how i learned to love the bomb-ass tea
(and other randomness)

i'm am detoxing from coffee until further notice for no reason other than to finish up all the bomb-ass tea my sister gave me.

link to bomb-ass tea

how about that crazy rain yesterday? wet enough for ya? there was a river going down alhambra. i got stuck in the co-op when the hail-storm was at its peak. decided to make a mad dash to the car, slippin' and slidin' on ice, getting soaked to the bone. i thought it'd be nice to sit inside the house and drink bomb-ass tea while it poured outside, but when i got home, there was a gas leak in the basement from the flooding, which extinguished the pilot light on the hot water heater. the garage was flooded, so tea enjoyment did not ensue.

saturday i went to the beer festival in old sac. i really wish i had my camera. it was definitly a spectators event. a lot of great people watching and even greater beer. i can't tell you what my favorite was since it is all a blur. i think niki tried keeping track of what we had, so i'll have a report sometime later this week.


the first music project i was involved with was a hip-hop group that a couple friends and i put together back in 91-95. we actually had some decent material, but since we were so young, we also had a bunch of unrealistic expectations about what the music was going to do for us (i.e. get us a record deal with Def Jam involving tons of money so we could tour the globe, be on Yo MTV RAPS and get tons of chicks). we had a lot of fun when we were just messing around before we got our hopes up too high (only to be smacked back into reality later on), but eventually we lost focus on the music and fun, and it all went down hill from there. my "rap name" was LEMONM (way before eminem) and matt's rap name was MAT THE W (or just 'W'... way before george W). my friend josh was the dude who had the most money at the time, so he was kind of our executive producer (aka, the dude that just hangs around to make your posse bigger and idea man).

here is one of our songs from back in the day. it was one of our last recordings.

josh and i were roommates for a while and were in a couple punk/indie bands afterwards, but W pretty much fell off the planet along with his stick-in-the-mud girlfriend who would always break up the party.

recently i've been talking to matt again after many moons, and he's gone from the skinny dude with dreads to the not as skinny dude with a shaven head, and i've gone from the skinny dude with too much hair, to the not as skinny dude with receding hair...and we decided to start a new project which is in the same genre as the group we were in together as kids...somewhat picking up where we left off.

last night matt came over and we put together a beat using a drum machine, mooge synth, egg shaker and wine bottle and recorded a rough version of our new song ("realistic") on pro-tools (it was fun dating ourselves going "do you realize we just did what took a bunch of expensive equipment back in the day, but all we used this time was a lap top!?!"). so far we have a corny faux-rasta chorus (much like the one in the mp3 i just posted above) and my verse where i use a bunch of metaphors and smilies, talking about nothing in particular. i was pretty proud of how it came out when i was done. once we finish i'll post a final mp3 here.


...and your radio's def when my record's on

for those of you who dont have winamp... download it now and click the below links:

    good online radio stations

  • Global Pop Conspiracy - the only station that plays a song by the clientele back-to-back with a song by Jay Z

  • club 977 (sorry. no direct link) - gives lame excuse for an 80's staion "flash FM" a run for it's money

  • ((We Funk)) - great golden-era ('88-'93) hip-hop and 60s funk

  • smoothbeats - sometimes good rap and some bad stuff too


restaurant review


ernesto's has always been somewhat of a favorite of mine in town. i love their salsa, margaritas and the enchiladas suizas are amazing. it's one of the places i almost always choose for birthday's or for just hanging out with friends to eat hella mexican food and get wasted on margaritas in a semi-casual environment.

with that said, i was more than excited to hear that the same owner (ernesto, the man himself) was opening a slightly more exotic mexican restaurant merely blocks away called Zocalo.

when it first opened up i tried getting some friends together to check it out, but after three failed attempts to round up a posse, i gave up on everyone's loser ass and decided to just go there for lunch this past weekend with niki.

first of all, let me start out by saying that i'm kind of disappointed in all the "hoity-toity" "shi-shi" restaurants popping up around town and lack of affordable GOOD EATS in mid-town (i miss greta's), so i was somewhat put off by Zocalo when i drove by looking for a parking spot and saw that they had a designated passenger drop-off zone for their valet service. valet? why are all the restaurants in mid-town following this trend? it's mid-town for chrissakes! park a block away and walk, you pussies! anyway. since it was lunch time and a weekend, the valet parking wasn't being used, but we still couldn't park out front since the "passenger loading only" curb right out front was painted white, so we had to park all the way across the street. boy are my legs tired from the 20 foot hike. i hope the valet parking customers get their moneys worth.

after entering, we were promptly seated and were greeted with a pleasant enough server who was laying it on thick in a way that made me crack up every time he came by. for being as fancy looking of a place this is, and considering i was dressed like a complete slob (holy t-shirt, flip-flops, unshaven face, unkempt hair..you know..my usual attire)i'll have give the service extra bonus points since places this nice usually judge by dress attire, so i assume (i've been ignored at places on more than one occasion).

the decor was a pretty nice and tasteful mexican spanish/euro blend with earthy colors and white. the architecture looked like it had been there for years, even though they pretty much built the place from the ground up.

chips y salsa: perfect size basket of chips and THREE different salsas (green, red, pico de gallo) and they made sure we never ran out.

margarita: bomb! i got one of the worst cold headaches ever because i couldn't stop slurping down my bad boy top-shelf margarita.

there were two vegetarian items on the menu. i ordered one: the vegetable pie covered in mole sauce and sour cream, niki ordered the other: veggie burrito served with mashed yams(?!?!?). when our orders came, our server also brought out two large bowls. one contained cilantro flavored rice, the other had black beans...corn tortillas were served on the side as well. my dish consisted of a huge mole covered dumpling (like a large knish) filled with cheese (?) corn, beans, rice and other veggies along with green sauce (made from cilantro) and a red sauce (made from beets) on the side as a plate garnish. i gots to say, it was fantastic. niki's burrito had a similar filling, but was grilled on each side, cut in half and served on top of the mashed-yams. hers was really good too, but she said next time she'll order what i had. another comment niki made was "this is great stuff, but i wouldn't come here if i was in the mood for mexican food". it's mexican food, but more yucatan peninsula style mexican food.

the bill was somewhat hefty, so i'll only be able to go there once in a great while when i feel like splurging, unless they have a happy hour i could take advantage of (happy hours are the new downtown trend...all credit to camille for being a pioneer).

bottom line...Zocalo==good stuff.


you gotta have skills

like salsa making skills

yesterday after giving my sister a hard time about never coming out to kickball, she finally made it out. too bad nobody else did. we didn't know what to do with ourselves since everyone flaked or was TOO HUNGOVER to play, so i turned to her and asked "wanna make salsa?". she gave me a funny look and said "sure. i guess. i'll just watch you do it" so we walked over to the co-op, got all the ingredients, came home and went to town. my sister has a tendency to overexagerate about the greatness of things, but she insists it was "the best salsa" she's ever had.

4 garlic cloves
4-5 tomatoes
3 tomatillos
4 hot peppers of your favorite variety
1 small onion
1 lime
some salt (optional)

leaving the shell on the garlic cloves, put them in a skillet (NO OIL!!!) turned on high along with the tomatoes, tomatillos and peppers and blacken all the ingredients (give them a turn now and then so they are almost entirely black). once everything is nice and burnt looking, let it all cool off.

squeeze the juice from one lime into a blender or food-processor and throw in the peppers, garlic (now shelled), and pulse-blend until finely chopped.

throw in the tomatillos and tomatoes and continue to pulse-blend until close to desired constancy then throw in some cilantro (i use about half the amount that comes in a bunch at the grocery store) and blend to final consistency.

chop up the onion and throw it in.

get some chips.

eat it.

via tiny clanger (can't give you a link to her website..so i'll give you the link on her website i liked):
The Vice Guide To Everything

some good advice in there...i swear!


time flies when you sit on your bum

yesterday chris and i headed out to davis to put up some fliers for our show (9.24 @ cafe roma) around town. normally i'm against fliering, but i figured that since classes UCD just started back up, and kids will be looking for things to do on the weekend, it might be worth the effort. we went through all the halls that i spent 2 painful years of my life, stealing thumb tacks from frat fliers and pulling out staples from the phone poles in order to recycle them (we forgot to bring anything to attach the fliers....chris and leon.. the two most absent minded people on earth forgetting something...imagine that!) and it was a nice feeling to be able to roam the halls and feel completely relaxed. i have a tendency to never look back, but it was nice revisiting my old place of education. i also realized that the time i spent at my current job is longer than the time i spent there, even though it feels the opposite way around.


tour pics

(from a flyer found in glasgow)

hey. i finally put some frenchmen tour pics online.



do it do it do it do it

the other day i saw one of my favorite movie scenes from one of my favorite movies. can you guess where this is from? no cheatin'!

Let me tell you the story of Right-Hand-Left-Hand - the tale of Good and Evil . . . . The story of Life is this: STATIC! One hand is always fighting the other. Left Hand Hate is kicking much ass and it looks like Right Hand Love is finished. Hold up. Stop the presses! The Right Hand is coming back! Yes, it's Love. Love has won. Left Hand Hate KO'ed by Love.


it's friday friday friday...hurray!!!!! whoooo

oh crap. it's really only thursday.


work work work work/play play play play

today at work the technical writer came up all the way from santa cruz to have me do a step-by-step walk-through for the installation of our latest and greatest software. it was a bit nerve wrecking since it had been a while since i set up the environment, and i felt like i was muddling my way through everything, trying to explain stuff that i hadn't seen or even thought about in months. still i think it when ok, but i have to take a bunch of screenshots and email them to her for our installation/user manual.

tonight is munia band practice. i'm trying as hard as i can to focus on that band, since the frenchmen are on holiday for a while, and i highly encourage fellow band members to take advantage of this while they can, but it's hard dealing with a bunch of indecisive, passive people. i have all kinds of specific gripes, but i'll save that for over beer. i just hope everyone shows up on time. especially the members who get off work at 4pm and have instuments that don't require tuning...oh and btw: metro electronics sells 1/4" chords...you know...that place RIGHT ACROSS THE FRIKKIN STREET?!!