minus the
"boo bee bop bee boo beep doo dee da dee doh dee doo"

saw the lab (stereo) last night. they were friggin great (as usuall). it was kinda sad without mary (the other singer/guitarist/keyboardist), but they still rocked my world for the third time.


best use of three chords ever...






(play whole thing twice in a row)


one for the treble

ahh. i finally recovered from monday and tuesday. i'm really happy with how the french tunes came out. i played them for ed shelflife (records) and he couldn't believe how hard we rocked on these tunes. i think he was slightly frightened by them. i take that as a good thing.

anyhow. the rest of the world will get to hear come july.

now i got to get back to work, life, etc... and try to focus my brain on something else for the time being. i figured when all is done with the CD i'll take a week or two off from listening to or talking about anything frenchmen related. i know how annoying it can seem when one constantly talks about their band.


computer up...brain down

my windows box is up now. i didn't get a dang thing done at work yesterday (finally got my system up 20 minutes before i had to leave).

frenchmen went in it for the long haul with woodhouse last night (5 songs in 11 hours) and it seemed rather smooth until i was so tired i actually fell asleep on the filthy floor at the loft while charles and amy finished up their vocals. we're meeting with him this afternoon to mix. so far so good. very sloppy playing, very good engineer, hopefully fairly good to very good results. the world will have to wait til july to find out. and yes, i went to bed at 4am, and got up at 630am, so don't fuck with me today.

i might pass out tonight and miss "americas next top model"

ok. work time!


just what i f*cking need right now

looks like my computer at work has something nasty going on with it. i made a point of coming in early to get some work done before i have to leave to go record. looks like i can kiss the day goodbye!



i hate it when i have a "brilliant" idea when i first wake up in the morning, just to have it all wash down the drain by the time i get out of the shower.

the frenchmen played a fun show last night. tons of new songs, tons of sloppyness, tons of volume, and tons of money!!!!!!! some dude filmed us for his public access show. wierd.





there is a new live track on the frenchmen website

long, boring, self-absorbed post (with grammatical errors all over the place)

Friday Chris was sick AGAIN so munia practice was cancelled. That's ok because it gave Amy and i a chance to pester Dan and heather about the details involving a CD release (and there are a lot of details!). So far everything is looking good. We might have either jay howell or amy's other friend (who's name is also amy) do art work. We talked to jay, and he was down, but various sources say he's a flake about stuff like that, but we'll see!

niki finally got back from hawaii and we had a lot of fun hanging out together this weekend. We both pounded down a cup of coffee from the fancy coffee maker we now own, i took a couple shots of rum, and we headed out to second saturday. We only made it to two installments before i got too drunk, and it became too late. see with art shows, you get a lot of free cheese, and even more free wine! the best place everytime is tonevendor, where non-sacramento-arts-commission recognized artist display their goods (sometimes good, sometimes not so good) while either a band plays or some dj is spinning excellent background music, and hummus is served, and two buck chuck is flowing like the american river. also, it's a good place to see friends that i don't usually get a chance to hang out with. after i realized tonevendor was trying to close shop, niki and i decided to get some food on the way home at tapas (kinda yuppie, but at least it's open late!). i had a mojito, and i think the service was really bad (which always seems to be the case there), but the food was great.

the next day i woke up feeling like a million bucks and we headed over to cafe bernardo's for breakfast, which began a downward spiral of events. first of all, it took eons to get the food, and for some reason i thought it would be a good idea to order a bloody mary to go along with my food. well, after just a couple sips, i started getting sick to my stomach, so i had to stop. on the way home, i had this horrible salty taste in my mouth from it that i just couldn't get rid of that just made my stomach even worse.

later on in the day we had munia practice, and even though our new songs are great, they just weren't coming together and my mood was dampened even further. i came home and took a nap. when i woke up, niki and i had fancy cheese and vegetables for dinner, but the cheese made me super sick (i'm going vegan the rest of the week). i was able to fight off the puking, but by that time i was exhausted and just went to bed.


happy belated whatever!

last night charles hooked me up with a couple CDs for my birthday present:
  • knock knock - "warm fronts, could shoulders"

  • close lobsters - "foxheads stalk this land"

i've only listened to the knock knock cd so far and it's damn good! i hear they are selling like hot-cakes, so you better get your copy soon! sacramento's full of unsung heros in the music world.


reason number 4080 for why it's a good idea to go veggie:

the other white meat


not pictured (leon)

here is a cool interview with dan from tonevendor...


the dopest coffee maker in the world

so me and niki were registering for wedding gifts at macy's when i came across this fancy pants coffee maker. "no one will get it for us" "i know, but it wont kill us to register for it anyway" so we did..niki had her bridal shower this weekend...and BLAMO! there it was. i was so shoking (sorry, inside joke)!

my brother-in-law jarett and i, went out to get matching ties this weekend after going to see "club dread". great movie! way funnier than "the passion of christ".

niki went out of town for this whole week, so last night i went out and got a bunch of dvds i've been meaning to watch in my spare time while at home alone (i haven't been feeling very social lately and i'm sick of flippin' through channels): LOTR pt.2, Dave Chappelle - Killin' Them Softly, Lost In Translation, The Gods Must Be Crazy pt 1 &2 (for my mom) . I still have season 1 of Insomniac to finish. I'm set!

this month is crazy recording month.

3/10 - finish up munia recordings with jef
3/11 - finish up frenchmen recording with jef
3/13 - finish up frenchmen recordings with jon
3/22 - record new frenchmen songs with woodhouse
3/? - mix down woodhouse recordings

if you want to find out what happened last weekend. click here

oh...and a while back in september, i posted about "the first review of the frenchmen 7" " and i said it was "full of misinformation and snobbery". well it turns out some of the people from the webzine read this blog of mine! they got the last laugh when they posted their top picks of 2003:

6 the frenchmen "powdered blue" (shelflife) apparently accused of us of all sorts of "snobbery" and "misinformation". still, we don't turn that easily - it's a blindin' ep, especially the title track.

well at least they don't hate us all for my initial reaction to the review (it was a positive review after all...and they liked MY song the best!)... btw amy is in the CRAB APPLES...not the CRAB STICKS!

until next time...



Fender +hp = the frenchmen
it kinda looks like jimi, but he's dead, so it probably ain't him

i like the new hp add campain. i just want to know why i wasn't asked to be in the commercial.