

i put up with way too much bullshit from people

this goes out to someone special, you know who you are...


more on the isle of aisle

so i'm in charge of supplying the music for my aisle for this contest (see below). our theme is going to be "the spoooorts barrrrr" WHOOOOOOOOOO SCARYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! and i made a comment that someone should build a fake jukebox out of cardboard boxes and stick speakers inside it for the music. me and my big mouth. i'll put up a picture of what i had to make tomorrow or friday. boooooooooooooooooooooooo!

3 postings in one day. i think this is a world record for me.

happy malloween

wiiitches brewwwwwwww!

and i'm like...
so halloween is coming up and someone in the company who has nothing better to do got the big idea to have an "aisle decorating contest" on friday. i bet this same person's favorite time of the year in high school was homecoming week. some people really take this stuff seriously, but 99% of the people who i work with couldn't care less about it and feel somewhat annoyed by the whole thing (including yours truly), yet they pretend to be all competitive with the other aisles. weird. our administrative assistant -aka- the secretary, who works in the other aisle, just came over while we were talking about how we are going to decorate. She was acting all suspicious like she was trying to spy on us, and then my boss was all "shhhh everyone...maria is here" and then maria, with a mischievous look in her eye was all "just wanted to say good morning".

the guy at the end of my aisle has a fixation with spongebob squarepants and made sure all of the decoration themes we came up with would incorporate the silly yellow fellow.

what you blog may come back and bite you in the butt

it looks like some temp worker over at micro$oft got canned after he posted a blog of the mentioned company buying a bunch of G5s (along with an accompanying photo in his blog to back up the claim).

i guess that means i should keep it to myself the fact that most HP employees would rather have a DELL pc any day over the compaq/hp pieces of crap they make us use (i'd even take a G5).


book launch party

np - "book launch" - pipas


Which Fantasy/SciFi dork Are You?

whhhaaa happened

i can't remember what i did friday night. i had band practice until 8, planned on checking out the feeling at the true lame cafe, but for some reason didn't go. did i just fall asleep on the couch watching tv? pathetic! i can't even think of anything interesting i did on Saturday other than laze around the apartment. me and my homie anh went to brunch at cornerstone, i had dinner later on at hamburger mary's but that's it. lame! sunday i did a bunch of crap (went to lake natoma to take pictures of coworkers in a relay marathon, went to evangeline's for my secret halloween outfit in old sacramento, helped anh put together ikea furniture, had band practice, watched "kill bill" again. saw some crazy insane show on mtv called "one bad trip".)


np: "baby lemonade" - syd barrett


"that's what connections is all about"

i'm stoked the frenchmen are back in action. back to our old antics. last night instead of actually practicing, we all just hung out in the apartment, drank beer and listened to records until amy's cat allergies got the best of her.

np: "connections" - leaders of the new school (who happen to be considered "old school" these days. i guess that means i'm old school too)



nothing to report on today

np: "jigsaw puzzle" - the rolling stones


songs i want to cover someday

early morning cold taxi - the who
friends of mine - the zombies
don't tell me that - pipas
girl from the north country - bob dylan
where's bill grundy (now?) - television personalities
the gnome - pink floyd
rather stay awake/new years day - the bright ideas
thorn - my bloody valentine
immigrant song - led zep
luckiest guy on the lower east side - magnetic fields


black eye for the white guy

i wish i would have picked up an extra pair of tickets to this.

the frenchmen rocked bottom of the hill last night, so if you missed out, it may be your last chance to see us for a long while. well. maybe in november for operation tiger trap for a late halloween show. it is a well known fact that we started off as a "one-off talulah gosh cover band" (with a different drummer) for a halloween show two years ago, so we thought we pay tribute to one of our other favorite bands. you won't want to miss it!

no more jury duty!



my duty as an american citizen

i'm on jury duty right now. light posting this week...and no more pictures of tofu. it was nice to walk to the corner of 7th and I street, buy a burrito for $3.75, walk over to the capitol find a nice bench in the shade, eat my burrito and read a book during lunch. i need to get a job downtown!




all the money i had left after playing video poker in reno

i have a pop up blocker on my browser, so i didn't realize my poll was causing annoying pop ups to happen. i'll discontinue it starting today. sorry about that!

the weather is nice in sacramento now, so we had frenchmen practice for the first time in like 2 months (the heat made in unbearable). it was like riding a bike. we pretty much nailed all the songs perfectly. we never have to practice again! i really enjoy hanging out with charles and amy, so it was a blast. i think it was the first completely sober band practice we ever had. usually at any given moment in time, at least one of us is drunk. practice was inspired by this up coming show. the crab apples are playing this show too, but they're not listed.

i'm working at tonevendor this weekend with loren, the fuckin' best record store clerk of all time. come visit and pick up the new secret shine cd while you are at it! it's amazing!

well. i got to get back to coding like some kind of deranged monkey. have a good weekend!

jp : "the pee wee herman" - joeski love
np: "other side" - beat happening


total recall

i hate when people say "governator". come on! get original! how about "conan the governarian" or "kindergarten governor" or "danny devitos twin brogovernor". looks like arnold is going to "jingle all the way" to sacramento after all.

last night's show was pretty good. the sac_indie_chicks were having a book club meeting in the back of the capital garage while we were playing, so i thought i'd make myself an audience member by standing in front of the stage, clapping after every song and making requests (which happened to follow the set-list). we had fun, but there was no vodka in the establishment, so i reluctantly cashed drink tickets in for newcastle (beer has been making me feel sick in the morning...even the good stuff).

dressy bessy was great. their old songs from their first 11-songs-in-20-minutes album are still their best songs, and i'm glad they busted out one-or two of them to keep me happy. after the first song they played, the singer's fuzz pedal crapped out on her, so i saved the day by busting out mine. funny thing is, i was inspired to buy that pedal because of them and the apples in stereo.

while dressy bessy was playing, some hippy guy standing next to me started doing some crazy hippy dance*, which inspired some other kid across the room to do some crazy russian folk kick dance. later on some flash mobbers came in and started a dance party, then suddenly left.

for some reason becky and frank from my favorite SF band, the mosquitoes, were at the show, so i went up to them to say hi (becky was also in #poundsign#, frank's real band is the bright lights, and he toured as boyracer's drummer once) since the frenchmen played with them a long time ago.

np: "the fan" - my computer

p.s. there is something wrong about this

* the closest mainstream comparison to this dance is Axel Rose, Guns & Roses, circa Use Your Illusion putting his arms together and sorta twisting his way while sorta movin' his backside around in a flowy, yet testosteronially charged manner (I mean, he was a rock star.)



(eLECTROGROUp or sOMe gUy fROm sOMe lAMe bANd and not gUSTo or tRACe)

L & 15th sTREEt

np: "asleep on a sunbeam" - belle and sebastian


ways i keep myself entertained at work (pt1)

playing jokes on Outlook

"New mail has arrived. Would you like to read it now?" dialog box pops up. ignore it.

open outlook, read the email and delete it.

go back to dialog box and click "OK"

"The item has been moved ore deleted" dialog pops up.

look at the computer screen and say "i got you good, fucker!" and click "OK"

funny stuff

np: "give it up" - lcd soundsystem


pretty ok weekend. davis sux

i was never one to think that sacramento is a fast paced town, but this weekend i headed over to the college town of davis an d al lll ll uuuuuvvvv a ssssss ss su uuu uuuu dennn nnn timmmme came to a halt. i was playing a show at cafe roma but got hungry, so i headed over to some Mediterranean food place across the street. i was the only person in the place. i mean, there wasn't even any workers visible, just a sign that said "ring bell for service". so i rang the bell. some sedated looking girl came out and just looked at me. i said "FALAFEL!!!" and she rung me up and took my name, didn't tell me the total, but i could see it was $4 and something cents so i handed her a five. there was a TV in the back of the dining area, and as she was getting change she looked up at the TV and went into a trance, mouth open and still getting my change out of the register, not even looking at it. i just laughed and sat down and waited for my food...and waited...still being the only person in the place. about 20 minutes later, she came out, looked at the food order ticked and called "LEON!!!!?!?!?" and there i was. as i was leaving to go watch some of the other bands play across the street, suresh, a bandmate of mine came into the restaurant. i warned him about the slowness, but he stayed there anyway.

chris and mike, my other bandmates, had a similar taco bell story.

friday i finally watched rushmore again with my sister.

sunday we went to play with marbles (my niece)
ate food at caballo blanco, which rules by the way (many veggie items!)
watched tripple X (it was either that or "from justin the kelly")
got the beatles anthology DVD set (for a great discount)

come see munia with dressy bessy and maybe gusto at capital gargage on 10/8!

np - the juan maclean "by the time i get to venus"


it's the end of the week as we know it...

and i feel fine.

yesterday i went down to tonevendor to get the new DFA compilation, only to find they were sold out. even lauren, their hired hand knew that would happen. come on dan. when something like that comes out, you need to order a bazillion copies!

i did wind up walking out with the new Souljazz Records compilation "Miami Sound" and the Secret Shine CD. both are fantastic (and probably better than the cd i originally went in to get).

the first track on Miami Sound blew me away (Funkadelic Sound by Little Beaver). it's the track BDP sampled for "i'm still #1" (and i think 3rd bass used the beat on a song from their first album - if you are into hip hop trivia). i never heard the original track, so now my soul can rest at ease.

i was reading an article in MOJO magazine about the golden era of hip hop. they pretty much stated truth in that it all began with "raising hell" and ended with "the chronic" (no dis to dr dre, but mainstream hip hop went into the toilet starting from that album). i would have to agree. hip hop in those days was all about sampling rare grooves and bringing them back to life while creating new lyrical styles to rhyme over them. it was all about innovation. the sample laws and all the lawsuits that followed are pretty much what killed the art. somehow i can see a similarity between the sampling lawsuits back then and the RIAA lawsuits going around now.

just for the record, if it weren’t for Public Enemy, Beastie Boys, Run DMC, BDP, EPMD, Eric B & Rakim, Biz Markie, De La Soul, Black Sheep, A Tribe Called Quest, Jungle Brothers, NWA and yes, even 2 Live Crew, i would have never gotten into:

James Brown
Led Zeppelin
the JBs
Jimmy Hendrix
Stevie Wonder
Bill Withers
Miles Davis
Milt Jackson
Michael Viner's Incredible Bongo Band
Lou Donaldson
The Winstons
Pucho & The Latin Soul Brothers
Melvin Bliss
Bob James
Rufus Thomas

and yes

The Association

the list goes on and on and on and on...


OSD Original Snoop Dog

fah shizzle yo. i gizzled the lizzle zizzle bozizzle sizzle on e bizzle for less than half the prizzle.

is it me, or does snoop dogg speak sounds like some sort of bastardization version of Yiddish?

now the band munia i play in is playing two shows on saturday: one in davis at cafe roma, and one in sacramento at the distillery (with the 4 - eyes). that's rad cuz our practice space is literally across the street, i only gots to wheel my stuff back across 21st street when i am done. tight!

i made a "links" page to other blogs of people i know and people i like. i need to add more someday.

check it out yo!

np: "OG Original Gangster" - Ice T


i threw out my back

seriously, i feel like an old man. bad knees, bad back, hair-loss, being grumpy just because i want to godammit.

i hope my back gets better by saturday because my band MUNIA will be playing a show at cafe roma in davis with electro group and timonium that day and i gotta carry all kinds of heavy shit . we are playing again on the 8th with trace and dressy bessy at cap garage in sacramento.

yesterday i read an article about led zeppelin and how some of their songs tie in to Lord of the Rings. pretty damn cool, now i want to get all their albums (i have a couple, but not all). feel free to buy stuff like that for me from my amazon whish list (see below).

np = "A" is for Cribbage - Henry's Dress